You are viewing the January 2010 EVO rendition of the Multiliteracies course.
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Week 2: January 18–24, 2010
Theme: Many clouds: A technological lens
This week introduces a discussion of how to see new technologies through technological lens or clouds. As teachers we must figure out what different technologies are good for and leverage that to our advantage. The focus will be on key concepts like tagging, RSS, folksonomies, and aggregation. We will introduce sample implementations using these concepts for language learning and explore techniques and tools for aggregation of content on the web. Participants will learn to tag and configure their blogs and other web artifacts associated with this course in such a way that their content can be aggregated by other participants here.
By the end of this week you should have addressed several of the following projects:
- Explored and implemented ways of aggregating each other's blogs and wikis, etc .
- For example, tag at least ONE Flickr photo of YOU with the tag evomlit
- View the evolving photo planet at, using the tag evomlit
- Explored and implemented ways of aggregating content from other EVO courses.
- Organized collaborative work with at least one other participant using a Web 2.0 space
- Set up
- Commented on at least ONE of the readings or viewings ( See Content below)
- In your blog or wiki journal to track progress in this course
- Made at least ONE entry
- Tagged at least ONE blog or wiki posting (or any artifact created for this course): evomlit
- Visited to see what others have tagged
Synchronous discussion
Diigo and Delicious

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Comments (2)
Mounia said
at 5:32 am on Jan 22, 2010
Hi all,
I feel some relief when finding the recordings of some important sessions I haven't been able to attend. That's really reassuring. Thanks moderators :) Mounia, Morocco.#evomlit
Vance Stevens said
at 8:42 am on Jan 24, 2010
You're welcome. I feel relief to see that the comments feature on these pages is working. Comments are sparse here (although our Ning and YGroup are hopping, and shows a lot of twitter back channeling). Basically we're trying to erect a lot of walls where people can leave graffiti, so if you see a space, write on it :-) - Vance
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