Week 3: January 25–31, 2010
Theme: Many literacies: A pedagogical lens
Web 2.0 tools can be used within an e-learning framework. combining face-to-face and mobile learning. Students can use different frameworks, but they can coordinate their online experiences through ePortfolios or personal learning environments (PLEs). Teachers are better placed to coach students in the many literacies they will need to make sense of and participate in the new digital culture. This week, participants are encouraged to explore the flexibility of Web 2.0 tools, develop their personal distributed learning networks, and consider how they can expand their personal learning record from just blogging to documenting their progress in an ePortfolio.
Meanwhile, here's Mark's intriguing second installment.
Here, Mark arrays a spectrum of literacy skills into four "literacy groups"
- Language literacies
- Information literacies
- Connection literacies
- e.g. Participatory literacies (potentially "dangerous" - why? examples?
- Remix literacies
Until Vance can manage a voice thread, if you have comments, please join this wiki and leave them in the comments section below. (Vance is starting over with the voice thread ;-)

By the end of this week you should have addressed several of the following projects:
- Compile an annotated blogroll (at a wiki or combined blog)
- Compile a listing of whose microblogs to follow
- Sort colleagues you follow into lists in Twitter
- Begin to outline what to put in an e-portfolio; see ...
- Graham Attwell, E-portfolio Development and Implementation, http://blip.tv/file/300988
- Dr. Helen Barrett, Electronic Portfolios and Digital Storytelling for lifelong and life wide learning, http://electronicportfolios.org/
- Trent Batson, http://campustechnology.com/articles/2008/04/eportfolios-hot-once-again.aspx - "The learning management system may seem like the quintessential academic technology application, but instead the ePortfolio is. Both will be transformed by the distributed nature of the Web (data and functionality residing in multiple places), but the learning management system will start to lose its identity as a unified system when it is distributed to operating system functions or Web functions, while ePortfolios will retain their identity even when distributed because ePortfolio is glued together and its development guided by learning theory. ... ePortfolio is the learning technology of this age."
Synchronous discussion
Intro to Twitter Apps/Use Twitter Effectively
Speaker is Kevin Leneway, open source cloud community mgr at Micrcosoft
13:00 GMT Sunday Jan 31: Mark Pegrum online session with Multiliteracies EVO session talking about his book, From Blogs to Bombs, in Elluminate, recorded and available for replay here: http://tinyurl.com/100131pegrum

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