

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 16 years ago




Curt Bonk and Mimi Miyoung Lee


Papers provided by Curt Bonk (Indiana University) and

Mimi Miyoung Lee et al (University of Houston)


Bonk, C. J., Lee, M. M., Kim, N., & Lin, M.-F. (in review). The tensions of transformation in three cross-institutional wikibook projects. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks.  Available to multilit Yahoo Group members at:



Bonk, C. J., Lee, M. M., Kim, N., & Lin, M.-F. (in review). Wikibook transformations and disruptions: Looking back twenty years to today. In H. H. Yang, & S. C-Y. Yuen (Eds.), Collective intelligence and e-learning 2.0: Implications of Web-based communities and networking. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing.  Available to multilit Yahoo Group members at: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/multilit/files/Curt_Bonk_Papers/WikibookChapter0831_Bonk_Lee_Kim_Lin.doc


Lee, M., Lin, M.-F., & Bonk, C. J. (2007, November). OOPS, turning MIT OpenCourseWare into Chinese: An analysis of a community of practice of global translators. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 8 (3). Available:

http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrod/article/view/463/980 (html)

http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrod/article/view/463/982 (.pdf)

http://irrodl.org/index.php/irrod/article/view/463/968 (audio file)


Saljapanroj, S., Bonk, C.J., Lee, M., & Lin, M.-F. (2008, Spring). A window on Wikibookians: Surveying their statuses, successes, satisfactions, and sociocultural experiences. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 7 (1), 36–58.


http://ncoir.org/jiol/issues/viewarticle.cfm?volID=7&IssueID=22&ArticleID=114 (html)

http://ncoir.org/jiol/Issues/PDF/7.1.3.pdf (.pdf)


Here are two recent presentations on the above topic that Curt wishes to share:

Sajjapanroj, S., Bonk, C. J., Lee, M, & Lin M.-F. (2007, April). Challenges and successes of Wikibookian experts and Wikibook novices: Classroom and community perspectives. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.

The powerpoint slide show is too large to be posted in the files area at the Multilit YahooGroup

and is rejected for upload at this wiki as well


Bonk, C. J., Lee, M., Kim, N., & Lin, G. (2008, March). The tensions of transformation in cross-institutional wikibook projects: Looking back twenty years to today. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2008 Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

The powerpoint slide show is too large to be posted in the files area at the Multilit YahooGroup

but has been uploaded here at this wiki



Curt made these presentations at American Educational Research Association (AERA) conferences in ...

New York 2008 - UAE 2 of 5

Chicago 2007 - UAE 3 of 5


He is currently in the UAE presenting on these topics



















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