TESOL EVO - Electronic Village Online
MultiMOOC 2.014
formerly Multiliteracies for Social Networking
and Collaborative Learning Environments
January 13 - February 16, 2014
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Here's another one: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=797726
Please see this description of the course, to see if it fits your expectation: http://tinyurl.com/understandingMultiMOOC
Link above points to
Barseghian, T. (2013). Surveys Synthesized: What Are Teachers’ Attitudes About Classroom Technology? Mind/Shift. Available:
Coming up in 2014
Curt Bonk was asked to give the commencement address at "Dr. Chuck Severance’s MOOC on Internet History, Technology, and Society. Approx 28,000 people enrolled, of which about 4,000 completed it (or graduated). 3rd time Chuck taught it but first time with a commencement speaker. It is 7:26 minutes (my speech is under 5 minutes)."
MOOC Graduation Video with Curt Bonk as Commencement Speaker, Posted July 29, 2013
Course Homepage: Internet History, Technology, and Security, Dr. Charles Severance, University of Michigan
What should you do next? Listen to George Siemens here and then let's GET STARTED
You can also download the mp3 here and listen offline
In 2013 we featured Wesley Fryer's keynote below
Please TAG all artifacts created for this course evomlit and if you want a second tag, multimooc
Is this seminar for you? From our proposal for MultiMOOC 2.014
This session is appropriate for educators at any level of technical expertise provided only that participants maintain a positive, I-can-do-this attitude, resolve to get help from others in the network as an antidote to frustration, and are willing to try their hand at constructive play involving creating content online, and giving feedback on each other’s creations. Although work with suggested tools is optional, with alternatives often available, participants should be willing to try out and sign up for some online accounts granting access to socially networked Web 2.0 tools and resources.
Participants should be able to articulate and explore their own learning strategies. They should be comfortable with, or at least willing to have a go at, unstructured learning; that is, they should be prepared to discover and apply underlying structure for their perspective on the course according to their own experience and notions of learning. As George Siemens puts it, they should be prepared to find their own pathways on their individualized learning journeys and not expect to tread a path laid out in advance by a prescriptive course facilitator. Successful participants will keep an open mind regarding alternatives to traditional modes of learning, and resolve to learn from experimenting with finding their own pathways leading to their individualized goals.
Participants should also understand that the course is about deep and personal learning as opposed to training. It explores how participants can learn informally through models alternative to traditional institutional ones. It deals with learning why, applying critical thinking, engaging with the material and applying one’s own schemata, and with tools and skills that engage higher echelons of Bloom’s (new digital) taxonomy. Although working with the latter tools and skills might be assisted by tutorials and instructions, the course itself is not concerned with training how to do particular things, but in working through approaches that would enable learners to learn whatever might be appropriate to their future contexts (given the likelihood of change necessitating learning from others in a PLN), as opposed to learning finite skill sets.
Participants should understand that the facilitators here see themselves as what David Warlick characterizes as “master learners.” That is, their motivation for facilitating this course is also to learn through experimentation with open course configurations. They undertake to provide a level of cohesion that might guide participants in choosing their path toward achieving their own formulation and understanding of their notions of learning and literacy. The facilitators will use their experience in suggesting tools and possible pathways for helping participants achieve their goals. However, the context assumes that participants will take cues from each other. They may request, but should not rely on, direction and feedback from facilitators in order to keep moving along their learning paths.
Possible keynote for 2014: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTR8V7Wv45Y&feature=share&list=FLFo9ROv34zGBpoT1hjNQO5w
Stephen Downes answers three key questions for MultiMOOCers here
Keynote Podcast for 2013 - Wesley Fryer
I asked Wesley Fryer to talk to us a bit about MOOCs in one of our live Sunday sessions (look here for the schedule: http://learning2gether.pbworks.com/w/page/32206114/volunteersneeded#Nextupcoming\ events). He wrote back and told me he was not enough of an authority on that particular topic (as he explains in his keynote).
But Wes is one of those people who can facilitate knowledge if not synchronously then asynchronously, as you can experience for yourself here: http://www.speedofcreativity.org/2012/12/01/podcast397-takeaways-from-and-reflec\ tions-on-the-2012-educause-conference/
Wesley Fryer has a one of the most practical, articulate, and approachable podcasts I know for those interested in educational technology at http://www.speedofcreativity.org/. His job has him driving a lot around the American midwest. He records some of his most interesting podcasts from the road, where he just talks about what's on his mind while he drives (safely :-). In this one he gives his impressions of the most recent 2012 Educause conference. He starts with 20 minutes on insights on LMS (learning management systems including the free/beta LMS OpenClass from Pearson) and finishes up with thoughts on MOOCs and native mobile apps vs mobile websites. Along the way he touches on interesting topics like Kuali open source solutions for higher education, badges, and some aspects of Wolfram Alpha that could be transformational to educators.
This is very timely material for launching this year's discussion on MultiMOOC
2012 Keynote Soundbite (5+ min.): Joyce Valenza on
From Ed Tech Crew 172 – An interview with Joyce Valenza: http://www.edtechcrew.net/podcast/ed-tech-crew-172-interview-joyce-valenza
More from Joyce Valenza, from K12Online 2009 http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=443
How to succeed in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) By Apostolos Koutropoulos & Rebecca J. Hogue
October 8, 2012:
Vance Stevens is teacher and teacher-trainer in educational technology for Higher Colleges of Technology, CERT, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Vance has over 20 years experience teaching ESOL. Doubling as CALL specialist and coordinator, he worked 2 years in ESL software development in California, then returned to the Middle East as educational technology consultant and CALL coordinator for Amideast, before working 8 years as a lecturer in computing at The Petroleum Institute. Meanwhile, he founded the online community Webheads, <http://webheads.info>, whose current instantiation is http://learning2gether.net/about/. There's more about Vance at <http://vancestevens.com/papers> and at his blog: <http://adVancEducation.blogspot.com>. |
Jim Buckingham has been an educator for more than 25 years, 20 of those years in the Arabian Gulf Region. He is currently an education technologist / instructor in Zayed University’s University College program. He is also a past EFL instructor and IT Integration Specialist in ZU’s ABP program. He currently chairs TESOL Arabia’s Education Technology special interest group, a group that he has also been involved with for some years. He is an advocate for promoting and recognizing lifelong, informal, self directed learning, through the use of student constructed eportfolios. More recently, he has focused on exploring the use of micro credentialing as a means to recognizing and supporting such student efforts. This has also led to an investigation into the practical application of micro credentialing via the use of Open Badges to promote self directed, professional development amongst EFL educators in the Arabian Gulf Region.
Ali Bostancioglu is a PhD student in the Department of Education at the University of York, UK. Currently, he is working on his PhD project which investigates English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers' technology professional development. Ali previously worked as an EFL teacher for two years in Turkey before he started his MA in TESOL at the University of York. After Finishing the MA course, Ali continued on to his PhD studies at the university. As an English teacher Ali has always been a technology enhusiast which resulted in his CALL related PhD project.
Dafne Gonzalez (EVO Mentor) has been an EFL/ESP teacher for more than 30 years. She graduated in Language Teaching, has a Masters degree in Applied Linguistcs, and a Ph.D in Education. She has been teaching blended and fully online courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels since she joined Webheads in Action back in 2002. She has been part of the EVO coordination team since 2003, and for 10 years in a row co-coordinated the EVO sesión "Becoming a Webhead". She is a Full Professor at Universidad Simon Bolívar, in Caracas, Venezuela, but she is living in Spain. She also teaches online courses for several international organizations (TESOL, UNED, CdT).
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Comments (15)
Mounia said
at 4:09 am on Jan 22, 2010
Hello all,
I've been able to do all week1 assignments and doing my best to finish those of this week. But, I'm afraid I'll be busy next week because My students are passing their session examinations and I will be busy mornings and afternoons. I hope I can keep up pace with you, however. The readings are interesting. Unfortunately, I can't read them all. The tools we've made use of til now are good and useful for teaching , tough I haven't been able to use them all (diigo for example) and I sometimes miss some online sessions because of work, and sometimes the moderators don't succeed to present it on time for some reason (technical proplems). I'm so pleased I joined the group. It's a enriching experience for me. I'll certainly come back later,no matter if I finish all what's required or not. A very big applaud to moderators. Mounia, Morocco. #evomlit
Vance Stevens said
at 3:53 pm on Nov 28, 2010
Hi Folks, I've been revamping this site for the start of the TESOL EVO sessions beginning in January 2011. As I value all the work that's gone into building this site over the years, and all the people who have helped, I have removed nothing. Go to archive sections in the sidebar to find all previous material intact.
Hope you enjoy the new course. All are welcome to participate in the public spaces: the Ning, and Grouply and Yahoo Group sites, at the links above. Looking forward to the F.U.N.
ElizabethHS said
at 12:21 am on Dec 4, 2010
Hi Vance-- Could you add some objectives for the course? Even a rough idea would be helpful.
jenice21@... said
at 10:44 pm on Jan 3, 2011
Hello everyone,
I've read the Syllabus outline 2011 and I'm looking forward to evrything that will happen here the coming weeks. I'm aware that in this era of fast-developing technology, teachers need to keep pace with improvements since (young) learners easily adapt to these rapid changes. I'm happy to be part of this group too and I'll try to contribute to the activities as much as possible.
Enjoy the coming weeks and success to all,
Vance Stevens said
at 11:52 am on Jan 8, 2011
Mounia left a comment here a year ago but a reply now is appropriate. It illustrates several features that distinguish Multiliteracies sessions from others. For one thing, this delayed reply illustrates that this session is run not as a stand-alone course, but evolves as a community year after year. It shows also how learning is ongoing, not limited to a certain time frame, only the time allocated to this EVO session for example. It also highlights the fact there the course is conceived as a berry-bush, not as a conduit. In conduit learning, we all start here, go there, and end up over yonder. The berry bush is where you have a goal in mind but where you end up can be much different from where anyone else in the session does, depending on your own goals, and on the berries you pick along the way. We will encourage you in this session to chart your learning journey in an eportfolio where you document steps you have taken along the way.
Mounia says she can't possibly read all the materials here. This is understood; they are not meant to be absorbed in conduit order. They are arrayed as on a bush for you to pick the ones that are most accessible. With this concept in mind, I'm creating a Berry Bush Bookstore here with links to free ebooks that you can read if you wish, and with the understanding that you might not read any or all of them during the time we interact intensively together, but they are there if you wish, and whatever you read or watch or listen to in relation to this session will give us all something to talk about.
You can also access the recordings and free events at our co-community http://learning2gether.pbworks.com. You are welcome to teach us something there. You are encouraged to contribute in our communities and help us teach one another via our Self-Help Desk. We are a peer to peer network. The moderators are here to provide cohesion. We hope that you will add content and expertise here, and help us all learn from one another.
Sandra Annette Rogers said
at 12:20 am on Jan 13, 2011
Hi Vance,
I can't wait to see your "Berry Bush Bookstore" concept with free ebooks. Where did you get that name? What a great idea! I'll have to add it to my personal PLE afterward.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch said
at 2:43 pm on Jan 8, 2011
Hello Everyone,
Great to be here. Do we need to check in at any specific area at first? Like, here, the ning or elsewhere? Is there a home base for the workshop? I introduced myself in the yahoo group. Is that home?
Thank you.
Jennifer Verschoor said
at 9:37 pm on Jan 11, 2011
Dear Nellie,
Welcome aboard!! The idea is that you feel yourself at home with the tool that you like. Most of the weekly activities will be found in the Ning but feel free to use the tool that best suits your needs.
Please do not forget to use our tag #evomlit.
See you around cyberspace.
Warm regards
Luciana Caldeira said
at 10:24 pm on Jan 11, 2011
Hello folks,
I"m not sure if What I have been doing is exactly what I am supposed to do. I've checked the syllabus and tried to follow the projects listed there, but I was taken to so many different places that I feel a little lost. Besides I've been spending too much time. I know it must be part of the process of adapting to the platform, but please, help me organize what I have to do. Thanks
Luciana, Brasil #evomlit
Jennifer Verschoor said
at 6:12 am on Jan 12, 2011
Dear Luciana,
At the beginning it is quite difficult to understand how to navigate so many different online spaces. It is overwhelming!! I would suggest you to use the Ning as your main platform. Bear in mind that you do not need to do everything that is in the syllabus. I´ve been following your online steps and you are doing a wonderful job.
Keep it up!!
Luciana Caldeira said
at 5:06 pm on Jan 12, 2011
Thank a lot Jennifer!
nagwa soliman said
at 6:19 pm on Jan 15, 2012
Hi everybody,
I am Nouga and I am an English Language Lecturer at the British University in Egypt.
Vance Stevens said
at 8:47 pm on Jan 15, 2012
Hi Naqwa, thanks for writing here and bringing life and currency to this page :-)
Jeyalakshmi said
at 9:00 pm on Jan 13, 2014
I'm Jeyalakshmi, Language Instructor, Jazan University, KSA.
Thank you moderators for this opportunity.
Allow me to be active after a week as I'm busy submitting my doctoral thesis. Still, I don't want to miss this course too.
Vance Stevens said
at 9:09 pm on Jan 13, 2014
Hi Jehalakshmi. You are welcome to benefit from this session in whatever way you wish. This is not a space we normally interact. This space presents tasks and resources. My favorite space for interaction is here http://gplus.to/multimooc. You will find links to our other spaces linked there. Above all good luck with your thesis, and I hope you enjoy this course.
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