Robin Good did a wonderful plenary address for WiAOC 2007 whereby he rushed by train across Italy to return home in Rome just in time to go online as scheduled. He told us to meet him at Operator 11, a streaming video service in vogue briefly just before Ustream. He had had little time to get set up for his talk, but he kept talking, streaming, getting some picking up the stream, joining him in the chat. After half an hour he put his video on a helmet, got on a motorcycle, and headed off into the streets of Rome, talking to us until he went out of range. Many were asking, "That's a plenary?" Others were laughing. No one who witnessed this would forget it. My own thought was, "That's edupunk" - Vance
Feb 12 the never-boring Robin Good will talk with us about edupunk and how thinking along those lines can help us to restructure education.
Speaking of structuring spaces for education and taking off on the talk Kip and Nelba and Jen gave on Feb 10, I promised to send Robin my links on the Virtual Classroom Project. Try and check 'em out beforehand:
While you're at it, why not have a look at
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