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on December 8, 2008 at 6:00:03 pm


January 12-19, 2009 - Week 1: Theme - What is/are Multiliteracies?



This week gathers the participants into a distributed learning network that overlaps with other existing such networks.  Several  essential frameworks underpinning multiliteracies are discussed, and these frameworks are applied to models of how this course might function (more as a seminar where knowledge is built through connecting sharing as opposed to a course where the learning paths have been prescribed).  Many tools are introduced which participants can use to foster connections with one another.  The materials and tools can be sampled and trialed as needed; there is no need to do everything suggested here.  Participants are encouraged to keep blogs or wikis to record their progress through the course and discoveries made, and ways of sharing knowledge with one another will be touched on.

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