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This version was saved 15 years, 8 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Jennifer Verschoor
on January 12, 2009 at 6:12:45 am


Week 1: January 12–19, 2009

Theme: What is/are Multiliteracies?


This week gathers the participants into a distributed learning network that overlaps with other similar networks. Several  essential frameworks underpinning multiliteracies will be discussed, and these frameworks will be applied to models of how this course might function (more as a seminar in which knowledge is built through connecting and sharing, as opposed to a course in which the learning paths have been prescribed). Many tools which participants can use to foster connections with one another will be introduced. The materials and tools can be sampled and trialed as needed; there is no need to do everything suggested here. Participants are encouraged to keep blogs or wikis to record their progress through the course; discoveries and ways of sharing knowledge with one another will also be touched on.




By the end of this week you will have:

  • introduced yourself to the group
  • completed the diagnostic survey
  • gotten familiar with the features of our Yahoo Group http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/multilit/ and this wiki
  • configured your network tools:
    • Yahoo group 
    • Consider what other networks you will be joining and start conversing within them.
  • read and commented on Seminal Reading and Seminal Viewing ( See Content below)
  • started a blog or wiki journal to track progress in this course 
    • Tag entries blogs and wikis or any artifact created for this course: evo2009mlit.




Please remeber that on Saturday at  04 00 GMT we have our first guest speaker Kim Cofino






  • Paradigm shift

    • Kim Cofino
    • Vance's baker's dozen in: http://advanceducation.blogspot.com/2008/03/ive-been-asked-to-propose-task-force-to.html
      1. RSS and push/pull technologies and feed readers
      2. Aggregation: tagging, Del.icio.us, and folksonomic classification systems as opposed to taxonomic ones
      3. Podcasts: harvesting them primarily, but also producing them, as vital resources in ongoing professional development
      4. Paradigm shift: multiliteracies and new learning heuristics
      5. Blogging and microblogging
      6. Digital storytelling
      7. Social networking
      8. Distributive learning networks: communities and connectivism
      9. Web 2.0
      10. Informal / just-in-time learning
      11. Synchronous communications: instant messaging, online presentation venues incorporating interactive whiteboard, voice, and video
      12. Asynchronous collaborations tools: blogs, wikis, Voicethread, Slideshare and similar, Google docs and similar, Google notebook


Synchronous discussion








From "PLN Yourself" (Sue Waters) http://suewaters.wikispaces.com/





Additional Readings and Directions for Exploration


Participants, please write in your ideas at the HAVINGaLOOKatMultiLiteracies Wiki here:



The Moderators suggest the following for additional insights and information ...



From MUVEnation: The tree of tools, in Herramientas Web 2.0, Dafne Gonzalez: 



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