You are viewing the 2009 rendition of the Multiliteracies course.
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Feb 12, 2009 version of 2009 Week 5
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February 9-15, 2009: Week 5: Edupunk
Seen on Twitter today: "Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority."
- Thomas Huxley
And now for something complEATly different. The concept of edupunk suggests that there are issues regarding new technologies not being addressed by institutional learning, and it also suggests an 'in your face' approach to resolving some of these issues by stepping around the established authority and just doing it. This week we'll consider what some of these ill-addressed issues are, and we'll ask: when is it justified to simply take off on one's own tangent on the assumption that this is best for one's students? What are the up and downsides to such an approach? In what way is this a multiliteracies issue? Participants should enjoy addressing the question: Do you feel that you, or anyone for that matter, is, are, or should be an edupunk?
- Content
- Jim Groom, The Glass Bees, (with over 77 comments!)
- Stephen's Web, Introducing Edupunk,
- Leslie Madsen Brooks, Introducing Edupunk,
- "Brian" Living in Binary, Edupunk: Redefining Ed Tech (September 20, 2008),
- Education Innovation: Rock-N-Roll High School and The Punk Rock Pirates,
- Synchronous discussion
- We found an edupunk character to chat with us: Robin Good (Feb 12, noon GMT)
- Projects
- Be moving your work here into something resembling a portal to an e-portfolio
- Podcasts
- Blog postings
- Wiki contributions
- Tools
- It's time now for participants to
- Help each other decide which tools introduced in this course are most useful to their own applications of multiliteracies concepts in their practice
- Suggest others not mentioned yet, new to the group
- Articulate findings in such a way that knowledge is spread efficiently throughout the network
Additional Readings and Directions for Exploration
Participants, please write in your ideas at the HAVINGaLOOKatMultiLiteracies Wiki here:
The Moderators suggest the following for additional insights and information ...
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