

You are viewing the FrontPage for the Multiliteracies course

given in January-February 2010 for EVO, Electronic Village Online.

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 Multiliteracies for Social Networking and

Collaborative Learning Environments




2010  Sessions


January 11 - February 21, 2010


Registration Jan 4-10; see




Vance Stevens 

Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE



Nina Liakos  

University of Maryland College Park, US

Jennifer Verschoor

ARCALL, Argentina   


Dennis Oliver

Greeter and Navigator





This wiki is the moderators' portal for a 6-week course given as part of EVO 2010:


Please TAG artifacts associated with this session evomlit



About this seminar: Multiliterate individuals are aware of the pitfalls inherent in technology while striving for empowerment through effective strategies for first discerning and then taking advantage of those aspects of changing technologies most appropriate to their situations. These strategies include managing, processing, and interpreting a constant influx of information, filtering what is useful, and then enhancing the learning environment with the most appropriate applications. This course seeks to heighten awareness of these considerations, and to enable participants to explore ways of dealing with them in professional and interpersonal development as well as work with students.


Moderator bios


  • Vance Stevens teaches computing at Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi. After 20 years as lecturer in English language, doubling as CALL specialist and coordinator, he worked 2 years in ESL software development in California, then returned to the Middle East as educational technology consultant and CALL coordinator for a language institute in Abu Dhabi. There he founded the online community Webheads,, resulting in involvement in many community-based online professional development endeavors which have formed the basis of his professional development life this past decade. There's more about Vance at, and he blogs at
  • Jennifer Verschoor Holds degrees as English University Professor, Bachelor in Educational Management, English Public Translator and ICT in the Classroom validated by Trinity College London. Currently took a postgraduate course on Virtual Worlds called Muvenation. Her emphasis in training teachers to integrate technology into the classroom started several years ago. Since then has given numerous workshops on the integration of New Technologies in Education in Argentina, Japan and Germany. Currently she is introducing New Technologies for the Teaching of English in various Leading Commercial and Educational Organizations. She is proud WEBHEAD and President of ARCALL Argentine Computer Assisted Language Learning. She participated in several online international projects as Global Partners Junior provided by IEARN.
  • Nina Liakos began teaching EFL in Paris back in the 1970s, received a Master's in Applied Linguistics from Georgetown University in 1978, and since 1973 has been teaching mostly in university intensive English programs, with some part-time forays into adult education.  She has been a lecturer at the Maryland English Institute, University of Maryland College Park, since 1981. She joined the Webheads in Action in 2006 and has been playing with blogs, wikis, and other interesting stuff ever since.  Her current interests include finding the right balance between the online life and the offline life that used to fill up her days all by itself.  She blogs about books she's read at Nina's Reading Blog and occasionally comments on her internet learning journey at Nina's First Blog.


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Because the co-moderators need to maintain order in the materials here in order to guide (from the side) this course,

requests to join this space will be politely rejected.





The Electronic Village Online is a set of six-week sessions, in which participants engage with ESOL experts in online discussions or virtual workshops for volunteer professional development.

The sessions are free and open to all interested parties.You do not need to be a TESOL member to participate.

Sessions are organized by TESOL's CALL Interest Section and are run wholly by volunteers who have donated their time to serve the profession.



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