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Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 13 years, 10 months ago

You are viewing the 2010 TESOL pp107 rendition of the Multiliteracies course.

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This is the November 2010 version of Getting Started

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Week 1: Sept 6 - Sept 12, 2010

Theme: What is/are Multiliteracies?


This week gathers the participants into a distributed learning network that overlaps with other similar networks. Several  essential frameworks underpinning multiliteracies will be discussed, and these frameworks will be applied to models of how this course might function (more as a seminar in which knowledge is built through connecting and sharing, as opposed to a course in which the learning paths have been prescribed). Many tools which participants can use to foster connections with one another will be introduced. The materials and tools can be sampled and trialed as needed; there is no need to do everything suggested here. Participants are encouraged to keep blogs or wikis to record their progress through the course; discoveries and ways of sharing knowledge with one another through eportfolios will also be touched on.


Mark Pegrum has made us a short video introducing his book, to help us provide structure to our course in Jan 2010.

If you wish to comment, request to join this wiki and you can comment below.


Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io

If you need to view this video at its original location, find it at http://drop.io/ozmark17a




By the middle of this week you will have:


  1. Introduced yourself to the group (Yahoo Group / Ning)
  2. Linked your introduction URL to our participants list at http://tinyurl.com/evomlit2010participants
  3. Enrolled in and familiarized yourself with the features of our
    1. Yahoo Group http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/multilit/ and http://multilit.grouply.com/ 
    2. Ning http://multiliteracies.ning.com/
  4. Configured your network tools:
    1. Yahoo group and Ning profiles
    2. Consider what other networks you are in already or will join (Twitter, for example) and start conversing within them about Multiliteracies (use the hash tag #evomlit, for example)
  5. Commented on at least ONE of the readings or viewings ( See Content below)
  6. Started a blog or wiki journal to track progress in this course 
    1. Made at least ONE entry
    2. Tagged at least ONE blog or wiki posting (or any artifact created for this course): evomlit and pp107
      and evomlit10 to make it pertain to just the Sept 2010 pp107 session 
      note: tags are sometimes called 'labels' or 'categories' in other systems 
    3. Visited http://spezify.com/#/evomlit to see what others have tagged




By the end of this week you should have addressed several of the following projects:


  1. Explored and implemented ways of aggregating each other's blogs and wikis, etc .
    1. For example, tag at least ONE Flickr photo of YOU with the tag evomlit
    2. View the evolving photo planet at http://taggalaxy.com, using the tag evomlit
  2. Set up
  3. Commented on at least ONE of the readings or viewings ( See Content below)
  4. In your blog or wiki journal to track progress in this course 
    1. Made at least ONE entry
    2. Tagged at least ONE blog or wiki posting (or any artifact created for this course): evomlit
    3. Visited http://spezify.com/#/evomlit to see what others have tagged








George Siemens at Universidad San Martin de Porres in Second Life

On Thursday, January 14, 2010, the Universidad San Martin de Porres organized, in its platform of SL (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Second%20USMP/203/241/30), a virtual conference with George Siemens (Athabasca University, Canada), proponent of the Theory of Connectivism and one of the world leaders in knowledge management, and open education.  Multiliteracies participants were invited. More events throughout this session are listed at http://tinyurl.com/evomlit2010events.


Bee (Barbara Dieu) has set out an excellent document on threading in mailing lists: http://edutechsig.wikispaces.com/mailinglist

She says: "The most important rule is the one-topic-per-message rule. If if there are two two things you want to talk about, send two separate messages to the list. This is because decent e-mail clients keep track of message threads, which is very convenient if you want to follow any particular discussion on a list. The list archives are also supposed to be viewable by thread, so don't break the threading. Start from a blank message when you start a new topic. Hit the Reply button on the old message if you reply to an old message."



Take a look at the diagram below in order to understand the steps you have to follow for this session. Please bear in mind that you can create your own Personal Learning Environment.




From "PLN Yourself" (Sue Waters) http://suewaters.wikispaces.com/

Scott Leslie's nice collection of PLE diagrams: http://edtechpost.wikispaces.com/PLE+Diagrams


This is Kim Cofino on Personal Learning Networks:

From her asynchronous keynote at the K-12 Online Conference 2009

Going Global: Culture Shock, Convergence and the Future of Education,



Download here:




Theme: Many clouds: A technological lens


This week introduces a discussion of how to see new technologies through technological lens or clouds. As teachers we must figure out what different technologies are good for and leverage that to our advantage. The focus will be on key concepts like tagging, RSS, folksonomies, and aggregation. We will introduce sample implementations using these concepts for language learning and explore techniques and tools for aggregation of content on the web.  Participants will learn to tag and configure their blogs and other web artifacts associated with this course in such a way that their content can be aggregated by other participants here.


Diigo and Delicious







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