You are viewing the 2010 TESOL pp107 rendition of the Multiliteracies course.
For the most current version, please click on the links in the SideBar at right.
This is the November 2010 version of Getting Started
To Navigate the 2010 TESOL pp107 course, use link to Archives: 2010 TESOL pp107
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What's this going to be about?
Get the Book
This is optional for this course, but it's a good read:
Teaser: Multilit Yahoo Group participants can get the intro to Mark's book here:
The ebook is available in four formats:
- PDF (2.3 MB)
- International Digital (epub) (1.2 MB)
- Mobipocket (3 MB)
- Microsoft Reader (2.1 MB)
In September 2010, Patrick reports that the ebook version can be purchased at He says: "I purchased the PDF version expecting to receive a PDF, but it is a little more complicated than that. I had to download and install "Adobe Digital Editions" first. I took several tries and I received numerous error messages, but once I got it working I found it a convenient way to read the book.
In a pinch you can send an email to Sylvia Defendi at (or call her on: (08) 6488 6804) to order a copy.
Let's start the session
Please join our
Our interaction will take place through YG email and Ning forums.
If you don't have Yahoo and Ning IDs, get them : both are free and easy to obtain following the instructions at the respective sites. Please check our tutorials on the sidebar for more information on how to create your Yahoo and Ning IDs.
How will we communicate?
There are two main communication modes throughout this workshop: asynchronous and synchronous.
The asynchronous mode (not live or in real time)
- Yahoo group (YG): This might be our initial means of communication to be in permanent contact with all members through a distribution list. You can edit your membership and choose the e-mail address that you would like group messages be sent to and if you want to receive a daily digest or individual messages.
- Ning: This will likely be our communication tool once everyone is signed up and the course gets effectively under way.
- Twitter: hash tags - #evomlit and for matters specific just to this rendition of the course #ppot107
The synchronous mode (live, in-real-time sessions)
We will have live sessions, with guest speakers, which will take place at a fixed date, time and place.
There is a calendar at the Ning:
The time for the sessions will be given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). There is a clock with GMT time in the Front Page or on the right of your window of this wiki for you to check the time where you are located.
There are Weekly Activities to be completed and/or shared with the other participants.
YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO DO EVERYTHING. There are more activities listed than anyone can be expected do and still hold down a job, raise a family, etc. Just do what you can, keep a blog or journal of some kind, TAG your posts evomlit and pp107, and let us know where you are writing so that we can add your feed to our readers. Interact with us in our forums, let us know what you are reading, especially if you find it particularly useful.
If you have questions about the tasks, you are encouraged to post your queries to the YG, from your own e-mail, or through the POST function of the YahooGroup
If you fall behind during the session, don't worry, you can always post your completed tasks at any time.
This course is not a "massively" open online course, but it is run on the MOOC philosophy. That is, it caters to a small coterie of participants who will get 'credit' from TESOL for taking the course, while welcoming a (somewhat less than) 'massive' cohort who have either taken the course before or are just interested in the topic. This allows the participants to benefit from a wider network of participants than the small group of registrants for the TESOL course. This method has worked well in the past. Normally we achieve a handful of interactants to work with the registered participants in the course. For more on this philosophy:
IMPORTANT URLS for this session:
Check the sidebar
Links to tools and activities for the session can be found in our Syllabus
Please tag all artifacts created for this course evomlit and / or pp107 to flag it as 'of general interest'
and evomlit10 to make it pertain to just the Sept 2010 pp107 session
(using ALL these tags is best :-)
You can tag:
- Blog and wiki posts
- Photos posted to Flickr and similar sites
- Tweets using hash tags i.e. #evomlit and #pp107
- Delicious and Diigo links
p.s. a tag is the same as a 'label' or 'category' in some tag systems
This page revised September 5, 2010
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