
You are viewing the January-February 2011 EVO rendition of the Multiliteracies course.

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Week 2: Jan 17 - 23, 2011

Theme: Many literacies: A pedagogical lens


Web 2.0 tools can be used within an e-learning framework. combining face-to-face and mobile learning. Students can use different frameworks, but they can coordinate their online experiences through ePortfolios or personal learning environments (PLEs). Teachers are better placed to coach students in the many literacies they will need to make sense of and participate in the new digital culture. This week, participants are encouraged to explore the flexibility of Web 2.0 tools, develop their personal distributed learning networks, and consider how they can expand their personal learning record from just blogging to documenting their progress in an ePortfolio.


How to succeed in a MOOC (on any scale) depends on these 5 steps
Dave Cormier describes what we're doing now and throughout the session as:  

Orient, Declare, Network, Cluster, Focus

Vance conducted an online discussion of this concept on January 16, 2011 -

This session was recorded and the link to the recording is here:


One way to focus is to do so in an online portal - here we call that ePortfolio
But YOU can focus in any manner of your choosing and call THAT (whatever it is) ePortfolio

According to Dave ...

YouTube plugin error

This multiliteracies session might help you achieve that focus and direct it at some collection of artifacts online which you can assemble or aggregate in a set of pointers which we call "ePortfolio"


 What should you put in an e-portfolio?  See this Illustration for 2010 pp107 participants






Mark Pegrum recorded an intriguing rundown of his current thinking on multiliteracies here:



Here, Mark arrays a spectrum of literacy skills into four "literacy groups"


  1. Language literacies
  2. Information literacies
  3. Connection literacies
    1. e.g. Participatory literacies (potentially "dangerous" - why? examples?
  4. Remix literacies


There's more on these literacy groups here: http://e-language.wikispaces.com/mr3

and a group collaboration page entitled Digital Literacies - Gold Coast: http://tinyurl.com/25394pu





By the end of this week (or two) you should have addressed several of the following projects: