You are viewing the January-February 2011 EVO rendition of the Multiliteracies course.
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Week 3: Jan 24 - 30 , 2011
Theme: Many selves: A social lens
This week we focus more thoroughly on the tools of connectivist knowledge and discern patterns in how these tools facilitate enhancing knowledge in distributed learning networks. Some of these tools filter into a container we currently call 'digital storytelling,' and we'll look at these tools in particular and think of ways of using them in developing our e-portfolios.

Picture links to
Knowledge constructs as they develop within connectivist systems can be explored in George Siemens's book Knowing Knowledge, available free at (one of our listings at the fictitious entity BerryBush Books). For a much shorter 2-minute characterization of how this works, see Dave Cormier's short video:
- Content
- Web 2.0
- Digital Storytelling
- Synchronous discussion
- When I review the materials above I notice tools I wasn't aware of, or maybe I was aware, just, but I'm always struck by the ones that I think might prove useful in my work, but I havent' tried them yet. Which of these strike you in the same way and why?
- Projects
- As a group, compile a listing (of podcasts)
- What aspects of digital storytelling would you include in your own e-portfolio?
- Tools
Comments (1)
Vance Stevens said
at 9:03 pm on Jan 30, 2011
Bee contributes from Brazil. Vance is posting here on her behalf:
I have started subtitling Dave Cormier's videos on Universal Subtitles. Some are finished, the others have two lines. As the idea
is collaborative work in a network, maybe others would like to pitch in and give some time to complete them, synch and translate them into their own languages.
Here they are:
What is a Mooc:
Knowledge in a Mooc:
Success in a Mooc :
Other videos I have subtitled (and/or translated) which may be of interest to the community.
Learn How to Use Universal Subtitles:
Open Access:
No Digital Facelifts:
Warm regards from Brazil,
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