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given in January-February 2012 for EVO, Electronic Village Online.
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eBooks on topics related to
Multiliteracies for Social Networking and
Collaborative Learning Environments
One aspect of multiliteracies is the changing face of publication. These days it's not always necessary to shop for good books (especially on the topic of multiliteracies ;-). As Lawrence Lessig, main proponent of Creative Commons, puts it, books with CC license are now a part of the Sharing Economy, and you can simply download them. Here are some examples of good reads for this session.
Free eBooks from Stephen Downes (e.g. Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, 2012)
Ecologies for learning by Jay Cross and friends (2008, updated 2012)
Effective Mobile Learning: 50+ Quick Tips & Resources by Shelly Terrell (2011)
(includes list of other free ebooks on apps and mobile learning)
Download it here:
A teacher's guide to eLearning by Mark Winegar (2011)
A teacher's guide to eLearning by Mark Winegar
Chapter 1 - Crisis?
Chapter 2 - Collaboration
Chapter 3 - The Creative Commons
Chapter 4 - Books as light as air
Chapter 5 - Youtube me!
Chapter 6 - Audio podcasting
Chapter 7 - Video podcasting
Chapter 8 - Chatterboxes
Chapter 9 - Learning Management Systems
Chapter 10 - HTML primer
Chapter 11 - Collaborative software
Chapter 12 - Time management
Chapter 13 - Closing comments
Dr. Mark Winegar gave a presentation on his book at the Moodle Moot Virtual Conference Wednesday, August 17, 2011: A teacher's guide to eLearning
The Edupunks' Guide to a DIY Credential by Anya Kamenetz (2011)
The Edupunks' Guide to a DIY Credential
Ebook By Anya Kamenetz
download in various formats from Smashwords:
Anya Kamenetz, a nationally recognized educational expert and author of Generation Debt and DIY U, has written the first-ever book sponsored by the Gates Foundation. The Edupunks' Guide is a first-of-its kind resource for the future of education: a comprehensive guide to learning online and charting a personalized path to an affordable credential using the latest innovative tools and organizations. Real-life stories and hands-on advice for today's students, whether you're going back to school, working, transferring colleges, or pursuing lifelong learning goals.
The annual Horizon Report for 2011
Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., & Haywood, K. (2011, February 8). The 2011 Horizon Report. The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from
This book was "borrowed" from the Virtual Reading Room at
Borrowing also from Jim Buckingham's review at
The areas of emerging technology cited for 2011 are: Time to adoption: One Year or Less
Time to adoption: Two to Three Years
- Augmented Reality
- Game-based Learning
Time to adoption: Four to Five Years
- Gesture-based Computing
- Learning Analytics
Learning perspectives 2010 by Paine and Masie
"Learning Perspectives: 2010"
Contributions by 40 Global Learning Leaders
Edited By: Nigel Paine & Elliott Masie
Published by: The MASIE Center & The Learning CONSORTIUM Free Open Source Print & e-Book: CreativeCommons License
This book was mentioned in a posting at EduMOOC 2011, where Anil Prasad said that it includes an article: "by Julie Clow of Google, which gives a picturesque narration of innovative staff Training and Development methods that are being implemented by Google. The learning teams at google have come to the conclusion that conventionally printed guides and other learning materials do not provide a significantly better learning experience. They have tested this hypothesis in creating a leadership programme for early-career Googlers.
They did not have time, budget or resources to create a highly polished programme. They wanted to train a few thousand Googlers spread across the globe quickly. They have decided to tap into the freely available leadership resources on the web. For this purpose they have drafted a series of simple emails that contained some basic context of the leadership themes along with links to the free content as noted above. Each email required only a few minute’s learning activity such as read an article, watch a video or answer a few questions.
In the above learning initiative of four week duration, they have kept their participants on track by holding virtual synchronous brief sessions at the end of each week, which also built a sense of community. The programme received high feedback scores. Participation and completion scores fell in the 80% - 90% range; which was far higher than the typical eLearning completion rates. The demand for the programme is very strong now."
Mediactive by Dan Gillmore (2010)
This book was recommended to us by Barbara Dieu
One idea behind Mediactive is essentially to relate how people can become discriminating consumers of media content in an age where it's increasingly unclear where all the available information comes from and with what agenda it was made available online. Also the book encourages people to not only consume but to create content on the Web, and suggests how to interact with what's there. In discussing these areas of concern, the book addresses a range of new-age literacy issues (e.g. "In a participatory culture, none of us is fully literate unless we are creating, not just consuming." p.xvii)
More information is available at the Mediactive website , where it says that "because this project lives under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license," a pdf version is available for download free at:
From Blogs to Bombs by Mark Pegrum (2009)
We have used this book in past renditions of this session, and we have even adapted our syllabus to its breakdown of the topic of Multiliteracies ...
Mark Pegrum's From Blogs to Bombs:
This is not a free eBook but ...
Multilit Yahoo Group participants can get the intro chapter to Mark's book here:
In September 2010, Patrick reported that the ebook version can be purchased at . He said: "I purchased the PDF version expecting to receive a PDF, but it is a little more complicated than that. I had to download and install "Adobe Digital Editions" first. I took several tries and I received numerous error messages, but once I got it working I found it a convenient way to read the book.
In a pinch you can send an email to Sylvia Defendi at (or call her on: (08) 6488 6804) to order a copy.
Remix by Lawrence Lessig (2008)
Lessig's book is now available as a free eBook: It's great that Lessig has put his sharing where his mouth is, good on him!
This book is reviewed in Wikipedia at
From the review:
"Lessig insists that knowledge and manipulation of multi-media technologies is the current generation's form of "literacy"- what reading and writing was to the previous. It is the vernacular of today. The children growing up in a world where these technologies permeate their daily life are unable to comprehend why "remixing" is illegal. Lessig insists that amateur appropriation in the digital age cannot be stopped but only 'criminalized'. Thus most corrosive outcome of this tension is that generations of children are growing up doing what they know is "illegal" and that notion has societal implications that extend far beyond copyright wars."
The Future of the Internet and How to Stop it by Jonathan Zittrain (2008)
In this book, Zittrain discusses opposing forces online, the generative and appliance apps, and what the Internet is as opposed to the Web. The generative Web is the one where users are able to adapt it to their purposes because it is free and unfettered, with the down side being that those who wish to generate spam, malware, or simply bad code are also able to exploit the same lack of constraint. A growing sector of the Internet economy is moving toward appliance approaches where content is still on the Internet but not on the Web, so that a Google search of music on the Web, for example, will not penetrate the iTunes store, which is on the Internet but not the Web. The appliance approach is gaining favor with producers who enjoy restored control over content, and with consumers who enjoy computing with greater security, but at risk of losing the generative nature of the what many see to be Web's greatest affordance. Zittrain explains the problem and offers solutions whereby the two sides might meet to everyone's advantage.
Also published in hard and soft copy under creative commons license, the book is available (in pdf, for free) at .
Learning Web Design by Jennifer Robbins (2007)
This is a substantially comprehensive guidebook, illustrated and explained in such a way as to be approachable by novice Web designers. Tells you what you'll need for professional Web design, what hardware and software, and how to use them.
Knowing Knowledge by George Siemens (2006)
I have always liked Stephen Downes's Where's Waldo analogy of what knowledge is. You can stare for some time at a picture where Waldo is concealed and not be able to see him. But once you see him, then you "know" where he is, and then you understand the corollary to what knowledge is, which is that it's something you cannot "not know" as Downes puts it, or that you cannot 'unknow'. In other words, once you KNOW where Waldo is, you cannot again NOT know, and you will always find him quickly in that same picture.
This book from 2006 offers a connectivist perspective on what it means to "know". Expanding and communicating knowedge, of course, is the whole point of literacy, hence in this day and age, multiliteracies. And the book is about knowledge in this day and age.
I googled the book and was taken directly to the pdf file at But in the pdf itself it says that "A Creative Commons licensed version is available online at .
The Wealth of Networks by Yochai Benkler (2006)
Benkler, Y.(Yochai). (2006) The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom. Yale University Press: New Haven and London. Retrieved on February 17, 2011 from
More by Benkler:
Seth Godin, Unleashing the ideavirus (2000)
Howard Rheingold, early works in free ebook format (1983, 1995)
The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (1993)
Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-expanding Technology (1985)
Full text versions available:
Digital Culture eBooks
As suggested by Joel Bloch,
If you know of other good ebooks we might read, please leave comments below
Comments (5)
Elizabeth said
at 9:34 pm on Jan 14, 2011
Hey - that's a lot of reading !
It seems as if Zittran's book is along the lines of Yochai Benkler's TED talk
Vance Stevens said
at 3:26 pm on Jan 16, 2011
I'm listening to Benkler's talk now. It seems more along the lines of Lessig's Remix, which I surprised, considering its topic, is not a free ebook. However, it's GOING to be made available under creative commons. More here:
bloch10@... said
at 5:25 am on Jan 17, 2011
Zittrain, Benkler, and Lessing all work together in the same department, so they build on the same ideas. You can download Benkler's book at
Vance Stevens said
at 7:18 am on May 3, 2011
I wanted a quick recap of Lessig's ideas so instead of going to the book itself, which I have, I simply Googled the concepts I wanted. I found a great Wikipedia review of Remix at and THAT informed me that the book was available as a free eBook: Now how cool is that?
bloch10@... said
at 2:27 pm on Sep 12, 2011
This book, Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: Teaching Writing in the Digital Age, in which I have a chapter, is available online at, It's part of a series of online books at
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