
You are viewing a page from the Multiliteracies course

given in January-February 2012 for EVO, Electronic Village Online.

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Your MePortfolio in

Multiliteracies for Social Networking and

Collaborative Learning Environments



This page was created mid-September 2011 to help focus participants on this crucial aspect of the Multiliteracies course.  Topics here include:


The task

To create a personal e-portfolio space (here called a "Me-Portfolio")


Description of a Me-Portfolio

This should be a space with a unique URL which showcases the participant's participation in this course.  this site or page links from there to artifacts online which elaborate on and document that participation.


Creating your Me-Portfolio week by week



The Multiliteracies course in September 2011 was conducted at the same time as EpCoP MOOC, a massive open online course (MOOC) on e-portfolios and communities of practice (EpCoP). Numerous resources were generated in this event"


At this page, find links to recordings made on the following topics introducing e-portfolios




Mahara e-portfolio management system


There have been two presentations in EpCoP MOOC on the open source e-portfolio software Mahara 


Google tools for e-portfolios


Selected literature on e-portfolios


Helen Barrett on e-portfolios

Dr. Helen Barrett is one of moderators of EpCoP MOOC, and a highly regarded proponent of e-portfolios. Here is a sampling of her work:




Trent Batson on e-portfolios

Dr. Batson has articulated how e-portfolios are crucial to a re-think of how we promote learning and assess it: 



Example ePortfolios


I had a collection of these, can't find them at the moment ...