  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 10 years, 9 months ago


You are viewing a page used in the MultiMOOC session

given in January-February 2013 for EVO, Electronic Village Online.

For the most current version, please click on the links in the SideBar at right.


Jan-Feb 2013 EVO Tutorials


Tutorials referred to in

Multiliteracies for Social Networking and Collaborative Learning Environments


If you can't find it here, try Russell Stannard's http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/

Recording from Tue Dec 11 of Nellie Deutsch in conversation with Russell Stannard

Tuesday, December 11 2012|10:00 AM (EST)



EVO Training tutorials are here: http://evo-training.pbworks.com/w/page/5965197/TUTORIALS

Extensive help from BaW: http://baw2013.pbworks.com/w/page/60013060/HelpPage


How to use ...


Audio Tools


  • Audacity


  • AudioBoo

  • Vokie

  • Voxopop


From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011 

AudioBoo, Voxopop and Vokie


Blackboard Collaborate / Elluminate


Some good tips on presentation with Elluminate here (e.g. why you do NOT want to attempt Prezi through BbC / Elluminate)


From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011 


        1. Log in at http://learningtimesevents.org/webheads/ 
        2. Skip the blanks for your name and city 
        3. Scroll down to where it says Session Moderator Login.
        4. Click there and you will enter the session as moderator.


The screencast at http://screencast.com/t/27G256Kcr was made with a previous version of the interface but illustrates the steps



From an email to RSCON presenters 

You can always get your free Blackboard Collaborate room here,  http://www.wecollaborate.com/





  • Blogger


From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011 



  • Wordpress


From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011 



File Storage


  • Box 

  • Dropbox




Google Tools


  • Google Docs


From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011



  • Google+


A Handy Visual Guide to Google+


  • Google+ Hangout




It's incredibly simple to start, record, and stream a Google+ Hangout. You simply start a hangout, get it set up to your liking, and when ready -- start the recording.  The moment you've started the hangout you get embed code.  This is the same embed code that allows you to play the video once it's been recorded, the kind you are familiar with for embedding YouTube videos on your blogs and web sites.


With Hangout, while you are recording, the embed code streams the recording.  So if you embed it in a website you can invite people to that URL and they will be able to see and hear the event as it is happening.  If you then provide some way for them to interact with you in txt chat (we use the etherpad clones) then you have a means of:

    • accommodating up to ten in the hangout for live interaction
    • accommodating any number of people in the stream with ability to interact with them in synch with the webcast
    •  finding out who would like to join the hangout and rotate people out who have become non-talking heads so you can bring conversant heads in 




  • Googlesites

From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011

Christine Dix and Carole McCulloch


  • iGoogle

From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011


Grammar teaching

Diagram sentences: http://1aiway.com/nlp4net/services/enparser/


Image hosting and editing


  • Bubble Us


From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011



Dec 2012, Jing will stay free despite retirement of pro version



Russell Stannard's teacher training videos








  • Odiogo


http://Odiogo.com is pretty nifty.  You install it on your blog and it reads your blog to whomever clicks on the audio player. It turns your blog into a podcast. It's free, and all Odiogo needs is your blog URL, an email address, and your assurance that you are the owner of that blog; see: http://screencast.com/t/NmJkNTQ4ND

Odiogo will create mp3 files of all your blog postings and create a page for you on its servers which gives the feeds for your blog.  For example, for http://justcurious.posterous.com/, the Odiogo URLs are:


If you lose track of where your podcast feed it, just substitute the name of your blog for just-curious above; for example:




Russell Stannard's training videos on Screencast-o-matic










Threading in email forum listservs



Time zones








Would anyone like to write the how-to for this one?  I guess it should include









From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011 









From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011 






From the EpCoP MOOC in August, September, 2011

Mutuota Kigotho - First presentation recorded here:




We're no longer using Ning, but this was here from when we used to use it:

Why do we no longer use Ning?




YouTube plugin error


Ning Help

Find all the questions you have on how to use Ning in the following link http://help.ning.com/cgi-bin/ning.cfg/php/enduser/home.php?p_sid=PoufeOZj




Some of these tutorials draw on the Aug/Sept 2011 EpCoP MOOC Recordings

At this page, https://sites.google.com/site/eportfoliocommunity/epcop-mooc find links to recordings already made.  



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