

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 3 years ago


eBooks on topics related to MultiMOOC

Multiliteracies for Social Networking and

Collaborative Learning Environments


One aspect of multiliteracies is the changing face of publication. These days it's not always necessary to shop for good books (especially on the topic of multiliteracies ;-).  As Lawrence Lessig, main proponent of Creative Commons, puts it, books with CC license are now a part of the Sharing Economy, and you can simply download them (Lessig put his mouth where his money was, and you can get his eBook Remix through the sharing economy, below). 


  1. Stephen Krashen free books and articles online
  2. Phil Hubbard - An Invitation to CALL: Foundations of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, APACALL (2021)
  3. Chris Spackman - Every Teachers Guide To Technology (2021)
  4. Stories by Teacher Researchers in an Online Research Community edited by Aslı Lidice Goktürk Sağlam and Kenan Dikilitaş (2019)
  5. Vera Menezes et al. Hands on: DIgital tools to learn and teach (2019)
  6. The future of learning by Mark Treadwell (2017)
  7. Toward Personal Learning by Stephen Downes (2017)
  8. British Council free Teacher Education Planning Handbook (2017)
  9. Chapter 1: Teaching Presence in Online Teaching by Faridah Pawan (2015)
  10. Teaching in a Digital Age (2015)
  11. Teacher craft: How teachers learn to use Minecraft in their classrooms (2015)
  12. Innovations in the continuing professional development of English language teachers, edited by David Hayes, British Council (2014)
  13. Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media by Jon Dron and Terry Anderson (2014)
  14. Invasion of the MOOCs by Steven Krause and Charles Lowe (2014)
  15. Adding Some TEC-VARIETY by Curtis J. Bonk and Elaine Khoo (2014)
  16. It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens by dana boyd (2014)
  17. Harnessing the Potential of ICTs for Literacy Teaching and Learning, edited by Ulrike Hanemann, Unesco (2014)
  18. Connecting Online CO13 Book edited by Nellie Deutsch
  19. Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching (British Council, 2013)
  20. Blended learning in ELT: Course design and implementation (British Council, 2013)
  21. Learning Web Design by Jennifer Robbins - Fourth Edition (2012)
  22. Free eBooks from Stephen Downes (e.g. Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, 2012)
  23. Free Learning by Stephen Downes (2011)
  24. Access::Future by Stephen Downes (2011)
  25. Ecologies for learning by Jay Cross and friends (2008, updated 2012)
  26. Effective Mobile Learning: 50+ Quick Tips & Resources by Shelly Terrell (2011)
  27. A teacher's guide to eLearning by Mark Winegar (2011)
  28. The Edupunks' Guide to a DIY Credential by Anya Kamenetz (2011)
  29. The annual Horizon Report for 2011
  30. Learning perspectives 2010 by Paine and Masie
  31. Mediactive by Dan Gillmore (2010)
  32. Web 2.0 tools for teachers by Nik Peachey (2009)
  33. From Blogs to Bombs by Mark Pegrum (2009)
  34. Remix by Lawrence Lessig (2008)
  35. The Future of the Internet and How to Stop it by Jonathan Zittrain (2008)
  36. Knowing Knowledge by George Siemens (2006)
  37. The Wealth of Networks by Yochai Benkler (2006)
  38. Howard Rheingold, early works in free ebook format (1983, 1995)
  39. Publications by Vance Stevens, 1979 to 2021
  40. Not enough? Want more? Try: Digital Culture eBooks


    Quick Notes to self: 


    Lots of books here from Carnegie Mellon University, http://press.etc.cmu.edu/index.php/publication-category/books/; e..g.



    Stephen Krashen free books and articles online



    This from Dr. Krashen posted to one of the myTESOL lists

    Sent: 30-10-2021

    From: Stephen Krashen



    Many of my articles and some of my books are available for free download at www.sdkrashen.com. OK to share.  I am not writing any books these days because nobody can afford them. 


    Dr. Krashen notes further in early 2022, posting to a TESOL forum Jan 26

    I have just discovered that several of my books are available for free download at http://hu1lib.org. Please help yourself and share with others!!!! Just go to the website and type in Krashen.



    Phil Hubbard - An Invitation to CALL: Foundations of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, APACALL (2021)



    Phil's new ebook

    An Invitation to CALL: Foundations of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 

    from Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (APACALL), based on his Stanford CALL course notes, is free to download and share: 



    Please cite as:
    Hubbard, P. (2021). An invitation to CALL: Foundations of computer-assisted language learning. APACALL. https://www.apacall.org/research/books/6/

    ISBN 978-0-6486653-2-8


    The whole book can be downloaded by clicking on the complete book link below:
    An Invitation to CALL: Foundations of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (PDF, 7 MB) 


    Chris Spackman - Every Teachers Guide To Technology (2021)


    Every Teachers Guide To Technology was written on GNU/Linux (Gentoo Distribution) with Free / Open Source Software (mostly Emacs and LATEX). Original PDF and editable versions are available at:



    This book is copyright © 2021 by Chris Spackman under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    You are free to copy, modify, and redistribute this work under the terms of that license.


    Because Chris is an ESOL teacher, he approached much of the content of the book from the ESOL lens - how to translate documents, how to make enhanced readings for English Learners, what to do about subtitles for videos, and so on.


    The first part is about choosing the right tool (word processor, spreadsheet, graphics program, etc.) for the job. The second part covers a range of topics of importance to teachers, including accessibility, copyright (mainly focused on the USA), translating documents, dealing with PDFs, basic computer security, among other things.


    There is more information about this book

    and Chris's 2021 June 1: Guide to Password Security at





    Remote teaching edited by Graham Stanley (2019) 

    British Council Innovations in Education series



    Available at the link above in September, 2020



    Stories by Teacher Researchers in an Online Research Community edited by Aslı Lidice Goktürk Sağlam and Kenan Dikilitaş (2019)





    As one of the co-editors Asli Sağlam explains in a post to the EVO Moderators Google+ Community, in January, 2019, during the Classroom-based Research 2018 EVO session, "we made a call to our participants to present their research plans & preliminary data analysis in a round-up online webinar. Then, we asked whether they would be interested in submitting a write-up of their research. We edited the writings of 10 participants over the course of 9 months and were able to collect their write-ups in an e-book. We would like to share "Stories by Teacher Researchers in an Online Research Community" with you." 


    Available at the links above in September, 2020


    Vera Menezes et al. Hands on: DIgital tools to learn and teach (2019)



    This one from Vera Menezes: 

    Dear Webheads, Our research group has published an ebook on digital tools (in portuguese and English)  and it free at


    You can download it. The second ebook is almost finished.

    Available at the link above September, 2020



    The future of learning by Mark Treadwell (2017)

    Free download now available here: http://www.marktreadwell.com/product_details/d/1/c/41/p/68


    Available at the link above in September, 2020


    Toward Personal Learning by Stephen Downes (2017)



    Available at the link above in September, 2020


    Stephen's books are available: https://www.downes.ca/me/mybooks.htm


    British Council free Teacher Education Planning Handbook (2017)



    Wedell, Martin. (Ed.). 2017. Teacher Education Planning Handbook: Working together to support teachers’ continuing professional development. Free PDF available from: http://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/continuing-professional-development/cpd-managers/teacher-education-planning-handbook


    Visit the website above to download this book here



    Available at the link above in September, 2020



    Chapter 1: Teaching Presence in Online Teaching by Faridah Pawan (2015)



    Free Chapter From Pedagogy and Practice for Online English Language Teacher Education

    Chapter 1: Teaching Presence in Online Teaching
    by Faridah Pawan


    From Pedagogy and Practice for Online English Language Teacher Education (Faridah Pawan, Kelly A. Wiechart, Amber N. Warren, and Jaehan Park) 




    Available at the link above in September, 2020





    Teaching in a Digital Age (2015)


    A.W. (Tony) Bates

    Guidelines for designing teaching and learning for a digital age



    The book examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when all of us, and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology. A framework for making decisions about your teaching is provided, while understanding that every subject is different, and every instructor has something unique and special to bring to their teaching.The book enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they will need in a digital age: not so much the IT skills, but the thinking and attitudes to learning that will bring them success. Book release date (final version): 1 April 2015. (More recently updated).


    Available at the link above in September, 2020


    Teacher craft: How teachers learn to use Minecraft in their classrooms (2015)

    Download pdf: http://press.etc.cmu.edu/index.php/product/teachercraft-how-teachers-learn-to-use-minecraft-in-their-classrooms/ 


    Available at the link above in September, 2020



    Innovations in the continuing professional development of English language teachers, edited by David Hayes, British Council (2014)




    See more at: http://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/books-resource-packs/innovations-continuing-professional-development-english-language-teachers#sthash.BWpuf5fV.dpuf


    Download this book at: 



    Available at the link above in September, 2020



    Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media by Jon Dron and Terry Anderson (2014)


    Use the free PDF tab here: http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120235 


    Available at the link above in September, 2020



    Invasion of the MOOCs by Steven Krause and Charles Lowe (2014)




    Page not found in September, 2020



    Adding Some TEC-VARIETY by Curtis J. Bonk and Elaine Khoo (2014)


    Entire Book: http://tec-variety.com/

    By Chapter: http://tec-variety.com/freestuff.php


    Bonus item: 27 free short ten minute videos from Dr. Bonk on how to teach online: https://www.youtube.com/user/TravelinEdMan


    Available at the link above in September, 2020



    It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens by dana boyd (2014)




    Available at the link above in September, 2020




    Harnessing the Potential of ICTs for Literacy Teaching and Learning, edited by Ulrike Hanemann, Unesco (2014)


    Harnessing the Potential of ICTs for Literacy Teaching and Learning: Effective Literacy and Numeracy Programmes using Radio, TV, Mobile Phones, Tablets, and Computers




    Available at the link above in September, 2020




    Connecting Online CO13 Book edited by Nellie Deutsch



    This is the draft crowd-sourced version of the proceedings

    from the Connecting Online 2013 conference


    Last year's proceedings are available through Amazon (follow link above).


    Available at the link above in September, 2020

    However, you have to request access to the individual articles




    Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching (British Council, 2013)

    Edited by Gary Motteram



    Available at the link above in September, 2020


    Blended learning in ELT: Course design and implementation (British Council, 2013)




    Available at the link above in September, 2020


    This was posted originally thanks to ...            (note the the pdf link has changed)

    Link From CALL to MALU mentioned in post above: http://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume16/ej64/ej64a2/


    Learning Web Design by Jennifer Robbins - Fourth Edition (2012)


    Robbins, J. (2012). Learning Web Design: A Beginners Guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Web Graphics, 4th Edition. Beijing, Cambridge, Farnham, Koln, Sebastapol, Tokyo: O'Reilly Media, Inc. Retrieved from http://wtf.tw/ref/robbins.pdf 


    Previously ... 


    A free e-book on Issuu


    Robbins, Jennifer Niederst. (2007). Learning Web design: A beginner's guide to (X)HTML, style sheets, and Web graphics, third edition. Sebastapol, CA: O'Reilly Media, Inc.. 481 pages.


    Fourth Edition, 2012




    This is a substantially comprehensive guidebook, illustrated and explained in such a way as to be approachable by novice Web designers. Tells you what you'll need for professional Web design, what hardware and software, and how to use them.


    4th edition Available at the link above in September, 2020


    How to Create a Mind by Ray Kurzweil (2012)

    How to create a mind: The secret of human thought revealed (Viking)



    Available at the link above in September, 2020



    Free eBooks from Stephen Downes (e.g. Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, 2012)




    Downes, S. (2012). Connectivism and Connective Knowledge: Essays on meaning and learning networks. Stephen's Web: My eBooks. Available



    Free Learning by Stephen Downes (2011)




    Access::Future by Stephen Downes (2011)





    Ecologies for learning by Jay Cross and friends (2008, updated 2012)



    After his death Jay's books remained freely available for a while. His Internet Time blog still has a working URL: https://www.td.org/magazines/td-magazine/jay-cross-internet-time-blog and his wiki is online at http://internettime.pbworks.com/; however this book appears to be no longer available for free. But check back later (posted here in May, 2019)




    Effective Mobile Learning: 50+ Quick Tips & Resources by Shelly Terrell (2011)



    Download it here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/67369598/Effective-Mobile-Learning-50-Tips-Resources-Ebook


    Available at the link above in September, 2020


    A teacher's guide to eLearning by Mark Winegar (2011)

    No longer free, now $15 at http://www.lulu.com/shop/mark-winegar/a-teachers-guide-to-elearning/paperback/product-16663245.html


    A teacher's guide to eLearning by Mark Winegar


    Chapter 1 - Crisis?

    Chapter 2 - Collaboration

    Chapter 3 - The Creative Commons

    Chapter 4 - Books as light as air

    Chapter 5 - Youtube me!

    Chapter 6 - Audio podcasting

    Chapter 7 - Video podcasting

    Chapter 8 - Chatterboxes

    Chapter 9 - Learning Management Systems

    Chapter 10 - HTML primer

    Chapter 11 - Collaborative software

    Chapter 12 - Time management

    Chapter 13 - Closing comments


    Dr. Mark Winegar gave a presentation on his book at the Moodle Moot Virtual Conference Wednesday, August 17, 2011: A teacher's guide to eLearning


    The Edupunks' Guide to a DIY Credential by Anya Kamenetz (2011)



    The Edupunks' Guide to a DIY Credential

    Ebook By Anya Kamenetz 


    download in various formats from Smashwords:



    Anya Kamenetz, a nationally recognized educational expert and author of Generation Debt and DIY U, has written the first-ever book sponsored by the Gates Foundation. The Edupunks' Guide is a first-of-its kind resource for the future of education: a comprehensive guide to learning online and charting a personalized path to an affordable credential using the latest innovative tools and organizations. Real-life stories and hands-on advice for today's students, whether you're going back to school, working, transferring colleges, or pursuing lifelong learning goals.



    The annual Horizon Report for 2011


    Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., & Haywood, K. (2011, February 8). The 2011 Horizon Report. The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from http://horizon.unc.edu/HR2011.pdf


    The areas of emerging technology cited for 2011 are:

    Time to adoption: One Year or Less
    •   Electronic Books
    •   Mobiles

    Time to adoption: Two to Three Years

    •    Augmented Reality
    •    Game-based Learning

    Time to adoption: Four to Five Years

    •    Gesture-based Computing
    •    Learning Analytics

    Horizon reports were produced by New Media Consortium through 2017, https://www.nmc.org/nmc-horizon/

    The New Media Consortium (NMC) was acquired by EDUCAUSE in February 2018.



    Learning perspectives 2010 by Paine and Masie



    "Learning Perspectives: 2010"

    Contributions by 40 Global Learning Leaders

    Edited By: Nigel Paine & Elliott Masie

    Published by: The MASIE Center & The Learning CONSORTIUM
    Free Open Source Print & e-Book: CreativeCommons License



    This book was mentioned in a posting at EduMOOC 2011, where Anil Prasad said that it includes an article: "by Julie Clow of Google, which gives a picturesque narration of innovative staff Training and Development methods that are being implemented by Google. The learning teams at google have come to the conclusion that conventionally printed guides and other learning materials do not provide a significantly better learning experience. They have tested this hypothesis in creating a leadership programme for early-career Googlers. 

    They did not have time, budget or resources to create a highly polished programme. They wanted to train a few thousand Googlers spread across the globe quickly. They have decided to tap into the freely available leadership resources on the web. For this purpose they have drafted a series of simple emails that contained some basic context of the leadership themes along with links to the free content as noted above. Each email required only a few minute’s learning activity such as read an article, watch a video or answer a few questions.


    In the above learning initiative of four week duration, they have kept their participants on track by holding virtual synchronous brief sessions at the end of each week, which also built a sense of community. The programme received high feedback scores. Participation and completion scores fell in the 80% - 90% range; which was far higher than the typical eLearning completion rates. The demand for the programme is very strong now."



    Mediactive by Dan Gillmore (2010)

    This book was recommended to us by Barbara Dieu


    One idea behind Mediactive is essentially to relate how people can become discriminating consumers of media content in an age where it's increasingly unclear where all the available information comes from and with what agenda it was made available online. Also the book encourages people to not only consume but to create content on the Web, and suggests how to interact with what's there.  In discussing these areas of concern, the book addresses a range of new-age literacy issues (e.g. "In a participatory culture, none of us is fully literate unless we are creating, not just consuming." p.xvii)


    More information is available at the Mediactive website http://mediactive.com , where it says that "because this project lives under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license,"  a pdf version is available for download free at:



    Web 2.0 tools for teachers by Nik Peachey (2009)





    From Blogs to Bombs by Mark Pegrum (2009)


    We have used this book in past renditions of this session, and we have even adapted our syllabus to its breakdown of the topic of Multiliteracies ...


    Mark Pegrum's From Blogs to Bombs: http://www.newsouthbooks.com.au/isbn/9781921401343.htm


    This is not free eBook but ...

    Multilit Yahoo Group participants were once provided the intro chapter to Mark's book here at their YahooGroup (since defunct)

    It seems that the book can still be requested from its author via this link



    The book is available from Amazon via this link:



    The ebook is available in four formats:


    • PDF (2.3 MB)
    • International Digital (epub) (1.2 MB)
    • Mobipocket (3 MB)
    • Microsoft Reader (2.1 MB)




    Remix by Lawrence Lessig (2008)


    Lessig's book is now available as a free eBook: http://www.archive.org/details/LawrenceLessigRemix. It's great that Lessig has put his sharing where his mouth is, good on him!


    This book is reviewed in Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remix_(book)

    From the review:

    "Lessig insists that knowledge and manipulation of multi-media technologies is the current generation's form of "literacy"- what reading and writing was to the previous. It is the vernacular of today. The children growing up in a world where these technologies permeate their daily life are unable to comprehend why "remixing" is illegal. Lessig insists that amateur appropriation in the digital age cannot be stopped but only 'criminalized'. Thus most corrosive outcome of this tension is that generations of children are growing up doing what they know is "illegal" and that notion has societal implications that extend far beyond copyright wars."


    The Future of the Internet and How to Stop it by Jonathan Zittrain (2008)



    In this book, Zittrain discusses opposing forces online, the generative and appliance apps, and what the Internet is as opposed to the Web.  The generative Web is the one where users are able to adapt it to their purposes because it is free and unfettered, with the down side being that those who wish to generate spam, malware, or simply bad code are also able to exploit the same lack of constraint.  A growing sector of the Internet economy is moving toward appliance approaches where content is still on the Internet but not on the Web, so that a Google search of music on the Web, for example, will not penetrate the iTunes store, which is on the Internet but not the Web.  The appliance approach is gaining favor with producers who enjoy restored control over content, and with consumers who enjoy computing with greater security, but at risk of losing the generative nature of the what many see to be Web's greatest affordance.  Zittrain explains the problem and offers solutions whereby the two sides might meet to everyone's advantage.



    Also published in hard and soft copy under creative commons license, the book is available (in pdf, for free) at http://futureoftheinternet.org/ .


    Knowing Knowledge by George Siemens (2006)


    There are at least two sources for this book as of Oct 8, 2019



    I have always liked Stephen Downes's Where's Waldo analogy of what knowledge is.  You can stare for some time at a picture where Waldo is concealed and not be able to see him.  But once you see him, then you "know" where he is, and then you understand the corollary to what knowledge is, which is that it's something you cannot "not know" as Downes puts it, or that you cannot 'unknow'. In other words, once you KNOW where Waldo is, you cannot again NOT know, and you will always find him quickly in that same picture.


    This book from 2006 offers a connectivist perspective on what it means to "know". Expanding and communicating knowedge, of course, is the whole point of literacy, hence in this day and age, multiliteracies.  And the book is about knowledge in this day and age.



    The Wealth of Networks by Yochai Benkler (2006)


    Benkler, Y.(Yochai). (2006) The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom. Yale University Press: New Haven and London. Retrieved from http://www.benkler.org/Benkler_Wealth_Of_Networks.pdf 


    More by Benkler:



    Howard Rheingold, early works in free ebook format (1983, 1995)

    Full text versions available: http://rheingold.com/books/




    The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (1993) 

    Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-expanding Technology (1985)



    Publications by Vance Stevens, 1979 to 2021


    Vance Stevens, the curator of this e-library, has made almost all his articles, reviews, and book chapters published over the past 30 years into shareable open source documents and listed them here: https://vancestevens.com/papers/index.html#writings


    The majority of these works (153)  have been uploaded to Researchgate under this profile, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vance-Stevens.

    They can be found at this link, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vance-Stevens/publications 


    Enjoy all of these works listed above, as well as the others shared  here by writers who want their work to be as widely accessible as possible.




    Not enough? Want more? Try: Digital Culture eBooks


    As suggested by Joel Bloch, http://www.digitalculture.org/books/




    PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

    This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on  January 26, 2022



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