
You are viewing a page from the MultiMOOC session

given in January-February 2013 for EVO, Electronic Village Online.

For the most current version, please click on the links in the SideBar at right.


Jan-Feb 2013 Spaces Used


Online spaces used to

Multiliteracies for Social Networking and Collaborative Learning Environments




Here's what you should be doing first week of the session


Tick off the check list at the bottom of this page


Accompanies ORIENT - Week 1 


Content and what to do in general



You will get maximum benefit from the course if you register with the following Web 2.0 services




MOOC theory of course organization





Week 1 Checklist


You've accomplished Week 1 ORIENTATION when you've successfully:


____ 1. got your Yahoo and Google (Gmail) IDs


____ 2. joined the Multilit Yahoo Group http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/multilit/


____ 3. sent at least one introductory message

____ 4. entered your details on the Google Doc form --> Link UPDATED for 2013 here


____ 5. got an account at Posterous and subscribed to the blog http://multiliteracies.posterous.com/ 
and reminded Vance to make you a contributor 


____ 6. learned your local time in GMT according to http://timeanddate.com 


____ 7. checked the schedule of live synchronous events associated with this course listed at http://learning2gether.pbworks.com/volunteersneeded 


____ 8. made note of events you can attend in your personal calendar


____ 9. had a look at other MOOCs taking place along with ours


____ 10. familiarized yourself with Getting Started and checked out the links in the Sidebar ==>

____ 11. understood the theory underpinning "open" courses,
           and are able to differentiate cMOOC from xMOOC


____ 12. understood the course objectives <-- hint, this is a tricky one, because YOU set your objectives :-)


____ 13. understood the concept of Me-Portfolios


____ 14. given some thought to where you'll document your Me-Portfolio for this course


____ 15. had a look at the upcoming topic, Week 2, Declare


This last page will be updated shortly (Jan 18-19) with more explicit guidelines on how you can declare your direction and personal outcomes in this session

