Week 2 in
Multiliteracies for Social Networking and
Collaborative Learning Environments
What to DECLARE in the Multiliteracies course
January 20-26, 2014
Themes from the past: What is/are Multiliteracies?
and Mark Pegrum's Many clouds: A technological lens
Tuba Angay-Crowder's talk at 1500 this Sunday Jan 27, 2013 on Multiliteracies and Multimodalities
Keynote Soundbite (< 5 min.): Karen Fasimpaur on
What draws her to P2PU, and the importance of teachers learning what THEY want to learn, self-driven and from peers
From Teachers Teaching Teachers #273 Thanks for Open Educational Resources with Karen Fasimpaur, Antero Garcia, Daye Rogers 11.23.11: http://edtechtalk.com/node/5048
The Longer Keynote, specifically for MultiMOOC Jan 20, 2013
Dave Cormier discusses cMOOC and MultiMOOC, connectivism, and openness in learning

Week 1 - In the orient phase we introduced some literature on MOOCs and e-Portfolios and asked participants to find or designate a space where they will anchor their Me-Portfolios for this short course
Week 2 - Declare who you are and what you hope to achieve in this session
This is where you tell us why you are here
This course is envisaged to function along the lines of a scaled-down MOOC (not necessarily massive ;-) Dave Cormier explains what a MOOC is and how knowledge is distributed in it in this simply worded, easily approachable (short) video
What is a MOOC? (Dave Cormier) http://youtu.be/eW3gMGqcZQc
This video neatly characterizes the essential frameworks underpinning MOOCs. These frameworks serve to model how this course might function more as a seminar in which knowledge is built through connecting and sharing, as opposed to a course in which the learning paths have been prescribed. We will continue to work with tools which participants can use to foster connections with one another. The materials and tools can be sampled and trialed as needed. As the assumption is that you are the driver of your own learning there is no need to do everything suggested here.
Participants are encouraged to keep blogs or wikis to record their discoveries and progress through the course. This is what is meant by Me-Portfolio: a main URL where other participants can visit to link to descriptions of these discoveries. .
Ways to Declare
(Open Digital) Badges
Jim Buckingham has been looking seriously into the concept of badges in his real work and has prepared an introduction to the topic for MultiMOOC 2.014. Here he will outline his plan for
- explaining what badges are and why you should be interested
- implementing a system of awarding badges in recognition of professional development milestones and/or accomplishments,
- identifying what sorts of badges you might be able to earn from this course
- building / earning those badges
Find out more about badges in the context of MultiMOOC <== here
List of resources to learn more about Badges
- introduction to concept
- general examples
- applications in K-12
- applications in Tertiary
- applications in PD
- applications in industry
- tools
Introduction to Badge concept - the value proposition explained
Keeping a blog is a step toward including it, or making it an anchor for, your ePortfolio. You can call your blog to our attention by making it come up in our tag searches. The most reliable tag searches these days that we can control are Delicious and Diigo. Once we find your blog we can find the posts relevant to our session when you tag those posts evomlit and multimooc
Tagging is the essence of declaring in MOOCs
MOOCs organize content differently from courses not designed to scale (such as most EVO sessions). Often in such courses, participants are encouraged to introduce themselves, but the ability to track participants via the information given in such posts diminishes with the size of the group. MOOCs normally try to address the issue of scale by tracking participants algorithmically.
Technorati used to serve as a tag-finder in blogs. Some years ago a group of colleagues and I managed to get students in various parts of the world to find (and in many cases respond to) each other's blog posts by using Technorati to ferret out all posts with the tag "writingmatrix" <http://writingmatrix.wikispaces.com>. Although Technorati no longer works well for searching blogs without 'authority' some MOOCs use scripts that enable participants to register their blogs, and then in THOSE blogs find the posts with the MOOC tag. Stephen Downes has a script he uses to funnel these posts into a daily newsletter, and ETMOOC had a "hub" where all registered blogs are listed <http://etmooc.org/hub/subscribed/> and an algorithm to tease out and rate featured posts.
However they configure themselves, interaction in MOOCs relies on tags. This is why I encourage you to tag posts and artifacts you find or create with our tags evomlit and multimooc (best to use both whenever possible; evomlit is one we've been using for years, multimooc just starting this year). Once we have a substantial body of tagged artifacts, we can look at our aggregators and see where these tags end up.
As shown in the Writingmatrix project mentioned above, exploiting a class tag can be a productive way to organize a blended learning environment, as I've shown here:
This week we'll examine a few more ways we can tag content relating to MultiMOOC, and see if we can aggregate that content in some meaningful way.
This blog post gives details from what we did in 2013: http://evomlit.wordpress.com/2013/01/24/week-2-in-multimooc-using-tags-to-declare-why/
Twitter 'tweets' frequently include hash #tags, and these tags can be useful in congealing groups ranging from flash mobs to participants in blended learning situations.
Once we compile our Twitter IDs, we can make a twitter list (no following necessary) where we'll have a twitter feed of all MultiMOOC participants at one URL. I frequently use this technique at conferences where delegates tweet using a common #tag. Whenever anyone tweets using that tag, I add them to a Twitter list, and then tweet its URL for the list using the same #tag. That way, like-minded attendees at that conference have a way of getting to know each other. It's brilliant because from the twitter photos associated with each tweet you can look around a session you are in and spot the other tweeters.
Now there is a way to do that where there is no need to manage the list through one person's Twitter account. You can simply add yourself to this list:
Delicious and Diigo
Another thing we can tag is each other's posts using Delicious in Diigo. We can get all your blog URLs from our dbase and tag each with the above tags in Delicious and Diigo. This is why you should put your blog address here
There are two ways you can get it there.
- Visit or re-visit this form
Create an original entry or fill in a duplicate one with any missing information. I can go in and reconcile duplications, no problem.
- I can add your Google ID as editor to the spreadsheet, then you can go in and tweak directly.
More on Diigo and Delicious
- http://www.fractuslearning.com/2011/12/07/convince-your-school-diigo-rocks/
- Webslide: Jennifer Verschoor has created a Webslides show displaying many of the links above in Diigo
- In 2009 we had Maggie Tsai speak to us on: "How to Use Diigo for Education"
In this 2012 Scribd pamphlet, Web 2.0 Annotation & Bookmarking Tools: A Quick Guide, Mohamed Amin Embi (of the Centre for Academic Advancement Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) describes and compares Diigo, Delicious, Scoop.it, Pinterest, Scrible, iCyte, Crocodoc, Webnotes, Markup, and Webklipper
There are aggregators in the sidebar you can click on ===>
Views may vary, but this is one http://spezify.com/#/mmooc13 view of #mmooc13 where we are starting to crowd out whomever was using that tag before (and also the efforts of a lone spammer :-)

We'll explore aggregation more in Week 3 (networking). For now here are some things you can be doing in week 2
Week 2 activities
Jim and Vance are in process of altering this with tasks for Badges.
_____ 1. Listen to Dave Cormier's week 2 keynote from last year (above) OR to his intro to Rhizo14 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvNIceOwv4I
_____ 2. Write something about one of those recordings in a blog post and label that post evomlit and multimooc
_____ 3. Make sure the blog your post appears in is listed on our form
_____ 4. Use Scoop.it, Twitter, Delicious, or Diigo to promote your post and tag it evomlit and multimooc
_____ 5. Use Twitter, Delicious and/or Diigo to find other participants' posts at these links
_____ 6. Surprise someone! Leave a comment on their blog post :-)
_____ 7. If this process succeeds, create a blog post that reflects on how you might use what you have discovered to support your work or passion and repeat from step 4 above.
For further exploration
Use our tags, evomlit and MultiMOOC and

Here are more optional projects
- Explore and implemented ways of aggregating each other's blogs and wikis, etc .
- For example, tag at least ONE Flickr photo of YOU with the tag evomlit
- View the evolving photo planet at http://taggalaxy.de/, using the tag evomlit
- Check out this presentation for more ideas on tagging and language learning:
- Set up
- Comment on at least ONE of the readings or viewings for this week ( See Content below)
- Start a blog or wiki journal to track progress in this course
- Make at least ONE entry
- Tag at least ONE blog or wiki posting (or any artifact created for this course): evomlit and mmooc13

Find out more about how to create your Me-Portfolio for this course here!
Content Suggestions
Thanks Patrick :-)
- Michael Wesch, A Portal to Media Literacy, a talk on "Web 2.0 and Learning Environments" Presented at the University of Manitoba June 17th 2008: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4yApagnr0s
- Folksonomies: E-language http://e-language.wikispaces.com/folksonomies
- You might consider purchasing Mark Pegrum's From Blogs to Bombs:
http://www.newsouthbooks.com.au/isbn/9781921401343.htm; ebook available: http://www.ebooks.com/ebooks/book_display.asp?IID=565711
In Pegrum's introduction, he says: "we need to ask what changing pedagogy and tools will mean for recognised authority and established truth, as information and knowledge lose their traditional gatekeepers, literacy multiplies into multiliteracies, and languages spawn new registers. What are the consequences of collaborative, interactive educational approaches superseding individualist, transmission-oriented approaches? How should educators accommodate the emerging model of collective intelligence, of which we hear whisperings across the web? Is there any way to reconcile the views of the academics who eagerly, if sometimes uncritically, anticipate the benefi ts of ‘the greatest unplanned collaboration in human history’12 with the concerns of those who insist that ‘Internet learning has, so far, been a tragedy for education’?"
This segues nicely into the Keen / Weinberger materials, below:
- David Weinberger and Andrew Keen debate Weinberger's thesis in "All Things Miscellaneous", posted by Kevin Werbach July 9, 2007 in Conversations Hub: Supernova 2007: http://werbach.com/supernova2006new/downloads/sn-weinberger-keen.mp4
Full text (of a different debate): http://online.wsj.com/article/SB118460229729267677.html
Perhaps it's a transcript of this one: http://fora.tv/2007/09/27/David_Weinberger_and_Andrew_Keen
Author Andrew Keen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Keen discusses his book "The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet Is Killing Our Culture" as part of the Authors@Google series, June 5, 2007: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN_n7I0PM3w
- Folksonomies: Tidying up tags, http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january06/guy/01guy.html
- Running out of things to do? There are more readings in the archives in the Sidebar ==>
Linkages with the past
Theme: Many clouds: A technological lens
This week introduces a discussion of how to see new technologies through technological lens or clouds. As teachers we must figure out what different technologies are good for and leverage that to our advantage. The focus will be on key concepts like tagging, RSS, folksonomies, and aggregation. We will introduce sample implementations using these concepts for language learning and explore techniques and tools for aggregation of content on the web. Participants will learn to tag and configure their blogs and other web artifacts associated with this course in such a way that their content can be aggregated by other participants here.
The course before that was patterned on Stuart Selber's triparite breakdown of the topic of multiliteracies
and more recently on Mark Pegrum's five lenses through which to view digital technologies.
It might still be useful to view our current course content through the warp and woof of these threads while incoporating the new directions that a study of a topic whose nature changes with each new development must obviously take.
This table encapsulates current vs. past course frameworks:
Cormier's keys to success in MOOCs:
- orient
- declare
- network
- cluster
- focus
Pegrum's five lenses:
- technological
- pedagogical
- social
- sociopolitical
- ecological
Selber's 3 aspects of multiliteracies:
- funtional
- critical
- rhetorical
Events this week
Last year
- Sunday, January 27, 2013 - Tuba Angay Crowder - Multimodality vs. Multiliteracy
This page revised Jan 12, 2014
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