Week 3 in
Multiliteracies for Social Networking and
Collaborative Learning Environments
NETWORKING in the Multiliteracies course
January 27- February 2, 2014
Week 3 - Networking: Overview
Here we examine how participants on open online courses merge into distributed learning networks that overlap with other similar networks
This session is run on a PULL model, where participants pull in berries from the bush as they need them. Other courses and EVO sessions rely more on PUSH where materials and emails are pushed at you. Both are appropriate depending on what you are trying to learn (most people are more comfortable with the familiar push approach. Proponents of the pull model, notably connectivist theorist George Siemens, note that the push approach seeks to reduce interference from chaos by diluting complexity. Siemens argues that at the higher levels of learning (where according to Cormier what we wish to learn is complex or chaotic) chaos is a necessary step in the process of truly learning and understanding; that is, in resolving chaos in order to derive knowledge.
PUSH courses are more easily set up as a conduit, where learning events are set up in stepwise fashion. It's harder to second-guess what participants might PULL from the berry bush; moderators can only emphasize certain bushes where the participants appear to be going. By way of emphasis, Vance is adjusting the activities from week to week as we come to them (and I'm doing this at the start of Week 3, 2014)
Readings for Week 3
Vance Stevens: When is a MOOC not a MOOC? (Nov 13, 2012)
George Siemens: MOOCs are really a platform (July 25, 2012)
Stephen Downes coined the term xMOOC to distinguish it from cMOOC. Here George Siemens notes how both models address certain learner needs.
Regarding the latter: "Our MOOC model emphasizes creation, creativity, autonomy, and social networked learning. The Coursera model emphasizes a more traditional learning approach through video presentations and short quizzes and testing. Put another way, cMOOCs focus on knowledge creation and generation whereas xMOOCs focus on knowledge duplication. I’ve spoken with learners from different parts of the world who find xMOOCs extremely beneficial as they don’t have access to learning materials of that quality at their institutions. xMOOCs scale, they have prestigious universities supporting them, and they are well-funded. It is quite possible that they will address the “drill and grill” instructional methods that is receiving some criticism."
Stevens, Vance. (2009). Modeling Social Media in Groups, Communities, and Networks. TESL-EJ, Volume 13, Number 3:
Experimentation with aggregation of content from networks
This week we are addressing networks. In this MultiMOOC session, we are too small and too new a group for networks to emerge already, but you can see that we have a network of some participants from past renditions of the course, and also we can take advantage of larger networks with which we engage, and use them to extend our experiments into tagging and aggregation.
This is being accomplished often in the spaces designated for the course, and as often in our aggregated spaces (see the sidebar to the right ==>
Keep tagging
Continue the tagging suggestions from Week 2 activities to try and attract content to our paper.li. The paper.li was set on Jan 27, 2014 to aggregate content from #multimooc and #evomlit and should be updated each Friday - http://paper.li/VanceS/1358485290
The next edition is due out Jan 30 so check back on that date and see how you did
Also, see if you are making any impact in the aggregators listed in the sidebar to the right ==>
If you notice any perturbations, blog it, scoop.it, or tweet it (and tag it evomlit and multimooc. :-)
Check out George Siemens's DIIGO feed on MOOC: http://www.diigo.com/user/gsiemens/mooc?type=all
Can you find any other feeds we should follow? Tell us :-)
What are tags?
and its sequel for 2014 http://evomlit.wordpress.com/2014/01/22/revisiting-the-question-of-tagging/
Keep Tweeting
Check out our Twitter search at https://twitter.com/search?src=typd&q=%23evomlit%20OR%20%23multimooc
Set up a feed reader to PULL in content from blogs you follow
This has a practical application in the classroom. Will Richardson was promoting the concept back in 2003. He used the feed reader Bloglines to list his students' blogs in such a way that he could see when they posted in the feed reader (no need to check each blog; just wait for it to become bold in the feed listing).
Check out these links, but substitute your own feed reader. Feedly is not recommended. Any ideas? Now that Google Reader has folded? We need something that works like this:
Keep blogging
If you are active in other networks in the EVO sessions, please blog it
and tell us where you are blogging
Keep reading
This space is full of suggested readings
but don't read in a vacuum, tell us if you read something we'll be interested in.
Blog it, tweet it, scoop.it, and by all means tag it evomlit and multimooc
Another thing you can try: instead of reading, listen ...
Make your own audio books
- Visit http://goodbyegutenberg.pbworks.com/w/page/61341797/BerryBush_Books_2013
- Download a PDF
- copy as much text as you want to 'read' into a Word document. Clean it up to leave just what you want read to you
- print it out as a PDF file
- Use Adobe Reader, under VIEW, to activate the text to speech facility
- Listen to it wherever you can take the device where you can listen in Adobe
Join us live online
Please see http://learning2gether.pbworks.com/w/page/32206114/volunteersneeded for all the activities lined up this week
As always, if you participate in anything interesting, blog it, tweet it, scoop.it, and by all means tag it evomlit and multimooc.
Nurture your PLN
Give some thought to your Personal Learning Environment, and the Personal Learning Network it encompasses
Scott Leslie's nice collection of PLE diagrams:
Connecting through blogs and Twitter
This is Kim Cofino on Personal Learning Networks:
From her asynchronous keynote at the K-12 Online Conference 2009
Going Global: Culture Shock, Convergence and the Future of Education,
Download here:
From Online Universities blog, Dec 17, 2012
25 Google+ Accounts for All Things EdTech
"it’s no surprise that tech-minded educators and professionals have flocked to Google+. News sites, technology directors, researchers, and more all have something to say about educational technology on the social media site. Check out our list to find 25 great edtech accounts on Google+ and learn more about what others are doing in educational technology today."
Events this week
This page revised Jan 27, 2014
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